The Nitty Gritty

Going paperless helps the planet

Earth Day is a great time to reflect on what we can do to reduce our carbon footprint. One simple way you can minimize your impact on the planet is by reducing your reliance on paper. Switching to electronic statements can be a good place to start.

Paper is a major contributor to the pollution of our planet. It’s estimated that paper from approximately 1 billion trees is thrown away each year in the U.S alone. About 26% of waste dumped in landfills are discarded paper and cardboard, which contributes to acid rain, greenhouse gases, and oceanic pollution, according to one organization focused on environmental data. By cutting our paper consumption we can save trees, the energy put towards cutting them down, and both the milling and transportation of paper.

There are additional benefits to opting for eStatements. Using a password to protect your personal financial information is much more secure than an envelope. Your statement is available to you faster in a format that is easier to organize and store. Plus, you don’t have to worry about how to confidentially dispose of it.

Choosing eStatements is a quick and easy way to lessen your impact on the planet. It may seem insignificant, but over time can make a real difference for our planet.